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The utility industry faces transformative demands from almost every angle. Consumer demands continue to increase as available technology drives new trends and makes data more accessible.

Maintenance efforts and evolving markets around the world continue to shape regulations and utility challenges. Ideas that were once cutting edge – smart grid, distributed generation, pre-paid billing – have become commonplace and need utilities to react more swiftly.

Utilities faced with decreasing demand must uncover new revenue sources and search for new business models. Utilities need a Customer Information System that not only satisfies their requirements but places them to adjust as the industry continues to develop.

Present customers demand more than just a bill from their utility providers: they want a uniform and relevant experience through various channels.

They want more variety in how they communicate, and they want more access to data on demand. Oracle Utility Customer Solution empowers utilities to engage the contemporary customer with more adaptability and agility.

It satisfies the requirements of utilities of all sizes with its modular design. The customer solution’s core ingredient is a robust CIS that lays the framework for customer service and streamlined operations. Also, utilities can choose various applications to build the ideal platform to address their challenges and objectives.

Customer to Meter (C2M) Solution

Utilities have enough issues in today’s evolving landscape. Oracle provides utilities the opportunity to leverage its market-leading customer and meter applications within a single yet complete solution. With Oracle Utilities C2M, utilities get complete meter data control and customer systems in one comprehensive solution on one technology and no integration.

There is ample complexity in today’s utility business, so your meter-to-cash platform should work. Running on one database, obtained through one screen, delivers relevant operations and more meaningful connections with your customers. It provides solid and resilient abilities to meet utilities’ most complicated demands and the agility to change as the industry transforms.

Customer Care and Billing (CC&B) Solution

With Oracle Utility Customer Solution, utilities manage business process efficiency from the customer’s service point for meter-to-cash optimization. Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing’s (CC&B) aligns every phase of the customer lifecycle — service connection, rating, billing, payments, collections, and fieldwork — enabling utilities to decrease overall expense, and enhance customer happiness.

With Oracle C2B and CC&B, organizations can:

  • Automate billing to increase productivity.
  • Test and execute the most elaborate rate structures instantly.
  • Comply with current regulatory orders.
  • Guarantee billing efficiency and decrease billing process time.
  • Tailor billing cycles to meet residential, commercial, and industrial customers’ demands.
  • Track payment-related activities efficiently, reducing write-offs.
  • Automate service orders and schedule service appointments.
  • Efficiently accommodate new business models like high-level metering and shared generation.

The perfect platform enables utilities to produce customized engagement through all channels. With communication preference management, clients can determine how and when they would like to get communications from the utility and what type of data.

The solution’s natural navigation decreases training time and boosts productivity. A configurable user interface enables utilities to precisely determine what customer service representatives want to see to provide unmatched service to customers. A broad view of individual customer account allows them to fix even the most intricate customer issues efficiently.

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